Jul 19 – 24, 2024
America/Denver timezone

How can GNOME explore bigger concepts?

Jul 20, 2024, 3:35 PM
Remote (250-Turnhalle | Track 1)


250-Turnhalle | Track 1

25 Minute Presentation - Remote Design of User and Developer Experiences


Scott Jenson (Self)


The Linux community is extremely creative with a wide range of experimental future looking projects. However, these projects often face a harsh reality of limited resources and support.

With flashy new technologies like VR headsets and LLMs to more practical improvements in tablets and cross-device ecosystems, there are a wide range of directions we could be exploring.

My UX research for Google (corporate) and Ink & Switch (Open Source), has shown me how similar this type of work actually is in practice: great ideas are independent of sponsorship. Our future doesn't have to be a copy of what the corporate world wants: we can build our own vision, free from myopic corporate constraints.

But how to we encourage this? How can we fund and build a range of explorations that find our own path? Let's call out what we want, then find out a way to make it happen.

Author(s) Bio

Scott has been doing user interface design and strategic planning for over 30 years. He worked at at Apple on System 7, Newton, and the Apple Human Interface guidelines. he was also the director of Symbian’s DesignLab, managed Google's mobile UX team for 5 years, and was a creative director at frog design in San Francisco. He returned to Google from 2013-2024 to work on Chrome and Android Research and have authored over 30 patents. Some of his UX research was done at Ink&Switch and open source resource collective. He's now semi-retired.

Pronouns he, him

Primary author

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