19–24 Jul 2024
America/Denver timezone

State of security components in GNOME.

20 Jul 2024, 14:10
Remote (444-LoRaine Good | Track 2)


444-LoRaine Good | Track 2

25 Minute Presentation - Remote Privacy and Security


Dhanuka Warusadura


In this talk I will go through the changes/improvements done in gnome-keyring, gcr and libsecret for the GNOME 46 release, introduce the new D-Bus "Secret Service" provider and latest development plans to improve the infrastructure to manage secrets used by desktop applications.

Author(s) Bio

Started my GNOME contributor journey as a Google Summer of Code intern in 2021. Became a foundation member in the same year and received developer privileges. Currently, I'm one of the maintainers of libsecret project, an active contributor to gnome-keyring, gcr projects and a member of the GNOME STF team.

Primary author

Presentation materials