Aug 23 – 28, 2019
Europe/Athens timezone

Unconscious Bias Workshop

Aug 24, 2019, 11:00 AM
Workshop Community Building and Diversity


Jona Azizaj


What to expect from Unconscious Bias training and why is it relevant?

People make, and sometimes act on, snap judgments based on the other person’s race, without any conscious intention. The training will begin with demonstrations of how the mind operates in such ways that are outside of conscious awareness or control. We will then move on to enable attendees to understand and identify such interactions in their daily life and will provide suggestions on how to be more inclusive in such collaborative environments. I feel that in a diverse and collaborative community like Fedora, it is important for us to be able to learn to identify our implicit biases in order to have effective and inclusive communication.

Further notes:

The Imposter Syndrome Workshop and Unconscious Bias Training will be adapted from training resources and guidelines from Ada Initiative and Google.

Conducting this workshop and training at GUADEC will allow to have a wider and better impact on the community in the D&I directions.

Attendees are welcome to attend either of the sessions individually i.e. You can join/leave at the one hour mark when the second session begins. The first session will be Imposter Syndrome workshop. The second session will be Unconscious Bias training

Presentation materials

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