Aug 23 – 28, 2019
Europe/Athens timezone

Impostor Syndrome Workshop

Aug 24, 2019, 10:00 AM
Workshop Community Building and Diversity


Jona Azizaj


What is Imposter Syndrome and why we need to discuss it?

Impostor Syndrome is the feeling that you aren’t actually qualified for the work you are doing and will be discovered as a fraud. It is prevalent amongst a lot of members of open tech/culture, especially people from underrepresented backgrounds, many of whom have been socialised to value other’s opinion of their work above their own, and to do things “by the book.”

What to expect from attending the Imposter Syndrome workshop?

The workshop will enable attendees to understand, identify and talk about impostor syndrome and provide some guidelines on managing it during our day-to-day life.

Further notes:

The Imposter Syndrome Workshop and Unconscious Bias Training will be adapted from training resources and guidelines from Ada Initiative and Google.

Conducting this workshop and training at GUADEC will allow to have a wider and better impact on the community in the D&I directions.

Attendees are welcome to attend either of the sessions individually i.e. You can join/leave at the one hour mark when the second session begins. The first session will be Imposter Syndrome workshop. The second session will be Unconscious Bias training

Presentation materials

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