Aug 23 – 28, 2019
Europe/Athens timezone

Freedesktop-sdk Status Update and Future Plans

Aug 24, 2019, 12:00 PM
Technical Application Development and Deployment


Adam Jones Valentin David (Codethink)


The flatpak base runtime provided by the freedesktop-sdk project is the runtime which GNOME and KDE runtimes are based on. It's also the base for any flatpak app that uses those runtimes or the freedesktop-sdk runtime directlyIn this talk we will discuss new improvements the community have made during the 18.08 release cycle, and we will also present what new updates and features we have been working on for the new 19.08 release!

Some of the topics we will touch include:
Improvements since 18.08
QA improvements (CVE, ABI)
Some adjustments on the release model
19.08 new features and updates

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