Aug 23 – 28, 2019
Europe/Athens timezone

Modernizing Desktop Linux Development with Containers

Aug 24, 2019, 12:30 PM
Technical Application Development and Deployment


Christian Hergert


Over the past 4 years, GNOME has been creating the Builder IDE to radically reduce the difficulty in contributing to the Linux desktop. It has brought a number of new contributors to desktop Linux by simplifying common procedures such as setting up build environments and guiding newcomers; all while supporting a number of programming languages.

To make this possible, the Builder team helped push forward various container technologies such as Flatpak for use as SDKs so that developer teams can develop using identical toolchains and environments. In doing so, much heavy lifting on the platform was required to ensure that features such as debuggers, profilers, and terminals continue to work as expected. In the end, Builder has simplified the process for contributing to GNOME all while preserving the advanced developer features we require. Newcomers can get started contributing to an existing application in the matter of a single click.

We will discuss the engineering challenges and complexities that were involved to make all of these pieces of immature technology work together. Participants can expect to learn about the underlying technologies that make Builder work and increased understanding of the plugin architecture of Builder.

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