23–28 Aug 2019
Europe/Athens timezone

GNU HEALTH: The Fight for our Rights in the Public Health System

23 Aug 2019, 17:00


Dr Luis Falcón


Health must remain a non-negotiable human right. GNU Health is a social project that uses technology and the Libre Software philosophy to provide Freedom and Equity in healthcare.

In my talk I will address the importance of Free/Libre Software in the Public Health, data governance, privacy, and the need for a universal implementation of a person/patient unique ID. I will discuss contradiction and dangers of private corporations in the public health system, such as the “cloud” services, in the public health system.

I will summarize some key aspects of GNU Health that benefit the public health system: from the socioeconomic determinants of health to state-of-the-art technology in bioinformatics and clinical genetics. In addition, I will introduce the GNU Health Federation that integrates information coming from thousands of health facilities across a country public health system and personal health devices.

Finally, I will review some notable implementation cases done during these 10 years, the GNU Health community and how to be part of our project.

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