Aug 23 – 28, 2019
Europe/Athens timezone

Taking Out The Garbage (And How You Can Help)

Aug 25, 2019, 12:00 PM
Technical Application Development and Deployment


Philip Chimento


The GNOME desktop is based on a Javascript engine, and there are some long-running and much-discussed problems around Javascript's garbage collection. This past year I've been working on a solution to the garbage collection problems in GJS, an initiative nicknamed "taking out the garbage". This talk will have a short technical portion about taking out the garbage, as well as some of the cool things I've learned by working more closely with Mozilla.

I will also talk about new features introduced in GJS, such as upgrading the Javascript engine to Firefox 68, and how they affect our four audiences: users, app developers, GNOME Shell developers, and shell extension developers.

Finally, there has never been a better time to get started contributing to GJS than right now, and I will talk about some projects that you can do to help make things fabulous for Javascript developers in GNOME.

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